Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD…korg penah dgr x nm ni?klu nk tau ni sbenanye adalah sejenis penyakit yg related ngan mental disorder..aku dpt tau psl disorder ni pon ms aku tgk Oprah show..aku mmg ske tgk show 2 coz byk dpt info…mmg kt oversea rmi yg ade penyakit ni..tp kte kt M’sia ni xtau la ad eke x..aku rs ade coz biase la tipikal Malaysian,kte x reveal ngan penyakit ni…slh 1 disorder ni adalah sgt tkt dgn germs and xblh org len usik or pegang brg die…ms aku tgk show 2 br aku perasan yang aku pon ade sikit penyakit 2..tp penyakit aku xbrape serius…aku br perasan yg aku ni jenis x ske org gn,pinjam or usik brg2 aku…tp after aku aku tgk terapi yg dlm show 2 aku rs aku dad pt overcome probs aku 2..alhamdulillah…kat bwh ni description psl OCD…
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a problem that some people have. A person who has obsessive-compulsive disorder is called an obsessive. Often, obsessive-compulsive disorder is shortened to "OCD".Obsessive-compulsive disorder has two parts. "Obsessive" means that people worry a lot about things. They worry about things that most people would not worry about. For example, they might worry that they might leave their oven on and start a fire. Or when they are driving, they might worry that they might run somebody over by mistake but not notice."Compulsive" means that they try to ease their worry by doing things over and over again. So if they worry about leaving the oven on, they might look at the oven over and over again. If they worry about having run somebody over, they might look in their car's mirror to make sure the person is OK.Many people worry a little bit about these things. But OCD can become a problem when it takes up a lot of time. A person might spend several hours checking their oven over and over again. Then they cannot do other things with that time. Often people with OCD think that they are crazy. That makes them worry more. They may think that, because they are crazy, they cannot trust what they think. Then they feel they have to do more things over and over again. However, it has been proven that people with OCD cannot go crazy, because they know that these thoughts they have are wrong.We are not sure what causes OCD. Some people think that it is a problem with the brain. Some people think that it is something that people learn, which goes wrong later on.Some of the most common things people with OCD feel they must keep doing include washing hands, checking things, and buying or collecting a lot of the same items. Other people have thoughts they cannot stop, which keep going around in their heads. These are called ruminations; people with ruminations do not always repeat actions as well.Anyone who thinks they might have OCD should see a psychiatrist. A regular doctor can set up an appointment. The psychiatrist might suggest medication (pills); or help the person accept the thoughts and not keep doing the compulsion over and over. The thoughts might decrease as a result.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD
Posted by Z E R O L at Thursday, June 25, 2009 1 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
amboi bkn la men pyh nk pinjam kt PTPTN ni..byk beno yg dorg mntk..ye la da name pon nk pinjam duet..mmg r byk kerenah nye..tp xpe la jnji aku leh dpt duet 2..haha..br jap td ni aku settle hal PT n br dpt offer letter yg br dr itm..pnye la lmbt nk kuar offer letter yg br..ari ni br aku dpt bukak..klu x ari jum ari 2 da dpt settle psl pt ni tp da offer letter x kuar,xdpt r aku nk settle kan jum lps..pg td aku call org pt psl nk tnye yg penangguhan 2..2 pon 1 hal nk kene mntk srt pengesahan tmt pengajian r ape r..adoi!!nk kne g sgmt lg 2..
Posted by Z E R O L at Monday, June 22, 2009 2 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Mother's Day Celebration
Salam sume….akhernye dpt gak aku publish...da lm x online ni..laptop wathal..ari ni aku nk cte psl Mother’s Day lps..huhu…rs2nye Mother’s Day thn ni la yg agk best even xsume adk beradik n kezen2 aku blk…tp quite happening ari 2..ari 2 aku,ude,ayh n kezen da plan nk wat mkn2 kre nk wat surprise la untuk kaum2 ibu tp tetibe pg 2 ade sorg kezen aku g kantoikan…hahaha…da mak g tnye ktrg yg tgh hr nnt ade nk wat ape2 ke?aku ngan ude da glk malu2…hahah..busted!!...plg klaka mak aku igt yg ayh aku xtau nk wat mkn2 tgh hr 2…walhal ayh aku r die pyne mastermind g plan sume bnde 2…huhu…sorry mak…ms blk dr segamat kitrg g singgah JJ dlu coz nk blkan mak present..kunun2 nk surprise last2 die tau gak coz nk soh die try kst muat or x…ud e lg best die g bl kek ptg jum tp bg alas an kt mak yg nk g tmn mmbr then kek 2 die g smpn lak kt umh mmbr die 2..ms serve kek mak da plek bl ms plak kitrg g bl coz tetibe ade je..haha…pg ahd 2 aku kuar jap ngan ude n k.faezah(akak ipar aku) g bl bunga ros coz aku xtau nk bg “ibu2” y glen 2 present ape..then tetibe terpk bg je bunga sorg 1…aku bl 6 kuntum then bg la sorg 1…time nk mkn lg 1 hal..kezen aku yg in charge bhgn mkn leh lak da jnji nk mkn kol 2 tetibe die g delay kol 3..mmg prt msk angen r…jemputan da dtg tp mknn xde..bengang je…bl da smpi mknn da ns lak mentah…kezen aku msk ns tomato ari 2..da lmbt sgt kitrg potong kek je dlu sementara tggu ns msk lg 1x…best ms 2 coz nmpk mke “ibu2” m hepi je dorg…mke mak aku mmg nmpk la die hepi…ktrg rs puas ati la coz dpt celebrate Mother’s Day thn ni..ngan celebrate rmi2..mkn best..huhu..mak aku byk kot dpt present..dlm 4 gak r..sume dr kitrg adk beradik + ayh aku skali..pnt mmg pnt coz sabtu br nlk dr segamat then ahd nk celebrate lak..tp jnji dpt hepikan “ibu2” 2 sume…huhu..
Mother's Day Cake
Posted by Z E R O L at Friday, June 05, 2009 1 comments